Our Philosophy

We intentionally design everything we do to foster healthy community connections that encourage personal growth, community service, and wellness of the body, mind, and spirit.

At Casa De Miel, connection is authentically coming together and engaging the people, the animals, and the environment around and within us. We do this with intention, compassion, inclusion, presence, mindfulness, and a willingness to hold space for whatever is present.


We approach programs as a safe place that enables you to connect with nature and others. We design every experience to help people disconnect from the distractions and chaos often associated with life in the modern world while connecting more deeply with themselves, others, and the natural environment.

two horses in a field at casa de miel

Horses are incredible herd animals that are extremely sensitive to others and the world around them. Our horse-facilitated experiences provide you an opportunity to engage, connect with, and learn from these wonderful creatures.


man working in regenerative garden at casa de miel

Regenerative Practices

We believe nature isn’t something that exists just to serve our needs, but that it’s our responsibility to care for and implement restorative practices to help ensure its flourishing. Our regenerative activities also include mentally restorative exercises and experiences for individuals. In doing regenerative work, we learn the values of patience, connection, and gratitude that we can carry with us in every aspect of our lives.

peaceful sitting area in nature at casa de miel

Meditation and Mindfulness

Modern life is filled with distractions and stimulation, often leading to feelings of disconnection, loneliness, and anxiety. Our guided meditation and mindfulness exercises help you or your group escape into the stillness of nature and find reconnection, healing, and restoration.

How to Get Involved

  • Volunteer

    Come as an individual or a group to serve others and reconnect with the natural world through work.

  • Regenerative Programs

    Our programs consist of the various nature-based experiences we offer. We can work with you to help you decide what’s best for your group of 5-15 people and build a unique program just for you.

  • Sponsor or Donate

    Sponsor a horse, make a donation, or come volunteer to help keep the land and animals thriving.